6th Annual Coaster Coffee Easter Egg Hunt


Our Easter Egg Hunt is BACK for 2024!

Thank you for you interest in partnering with us to serve the families in our community with our 6th Annual Community Egg Hunt. The hunt will be at Ocean View Elementary from 12pm-3pm on March 23rd.

We are accepting sponsorships and partnerships through Wednesday, March 20. Your business can both give toward and attend the event. We will be using Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and email to advertise, as well as distributing promotional flyers to area elementary school families.

We have five levels of sponsor/partnership for this event, which are explained below.

You’re welcome to bring chairs, additional tables, display, giveaways, etc…anything you’d like to help you engage with the community and tell them about your business and how it serves OV.

All sponsors and partners are encouraged to provide a decorative, filled basket or similar type display to raffle for free worth approximately $50, which will be raffled off during the event.

Sponsorship Levels:

Golden Egg ($1,000+) 7 social media mentions, logo on all event marketing flyer, banners and a table & tent reserved at the event.

Silver Rabbit ($500+) 5 social media mentions, logos on all event marketing, tent & table reserved at the event.

Bronze Carrot ($300+) at least one social media mention, logo on event day flyer and table reserved at the event.

Hopping Helper ($150+) Individual or Business Sponsor at least one social media mention, and a table reserved at the event.

Non-Profit Partnership (at least 3 bags of candy donated & gift basket to raffle) at least one social media mention, logo on event day flyer, and table reserved at the event.

This events is FREE to the public and will feature inflatable play structures, egg hunt areas by age from 0-6th grade and a special needs egg hunt area, face painting, lawn games, DJ, music, and more. All promotional items, giveaways, treats, or prizes should be free as well, but feel free to personalize your space with a prize wheel, game, or other fun attention grabber.

Note: Sponsor and partnerships who join the event after March 20 may not receive all social media shout-outs and may be unable to be included on promotional materials due to printing deadlines. Thank you for your understanding.

Please fill out this form if your business or organization would like to help sponsor the event. You can pay after submitting the form by clicking the link on this page as well. Thank you for helping us serve our community!